dilluns, de febrer 13, 2006

Free Gmail

Hola a tots/es.
Qui vulgui comptes de gmail aqui en teniu 4. Simplement heu de escriure alguna d'aquestes 4 adreçes al navegador i registrar-vos gratuïtament:

There are 4 new free gmail accounts. You must use one adress (below) in a navigator and complete the free registration..and in a few seconds you will be a gmail user ;)


Apart, ara han ficat una nova funcionalitat. Es pot xatejar desde el navegador. Veure imatges:

Chat with your friends from right inside Gmail. There's no need to load a separate program or look up new addresses. It's just one click to chat with the people you already email, as well as anyone on the Google Talk network. And now you can even save and search for chats in your Gmail account.

pd: A qui li sobri comptes de gmail pot donar-los a la gent gratuitament a la web: http://www.bytetest.com/