dilluns, d’octubre 16, 2006

175 maneres de fer les coses en menys temps

Hola a tot@s
Avui començem uns artícles que ens explicaran com fer les coses millor i en menys temps. Segur q alguna cosa aprenem (apart d'anglès).
Aqui teniu els primers:

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”

—William James

- It always helps to know where your time is going. So, keep track of how you spend your time for two weeks. Sound dull? Boring, maybe? So cut it down to a couple of days. Surprise! Most of your log will show you’re investing your time in people or things not really important to you or your goals.

- Focus, focus, focus on STARTING tasks rather than finishing them. The greatest challenge is taking the first step and getting started. (Ah yes – doesn’t that feel good?)

- Think on paper. Writing things down minimizes confusion and stress. Write down your goals, to-do lists, and even the problems that you’re working on. You’ll find putting things on paper usually clarifies the situation. Committing things to memory can be a waste of brain power, not to mention a poor storage device as well.

- Categorize your To Do list into A, B, and C priorities. “A” priorities are the activities that are critical for your success. “B” priorities are important but not critical. “C” priorities would be nice to do if you get the time. Begin with your “A” priorities and work your way to the “nice to do” items.

- Here’s a suggestion that will help everyone: create a “talk” file for your boss, subordinates, peers and even your customers. Unless it is a real emergency, wait until you have at least two items in the file before calling that person with your questions

Que tal els primers consells? si, alguns semblen obvis però no els fem "casi" mai.
Ale pues.. ahi va eso